Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade

The 15th Annual Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade, which will once again be held on Monroe Street in Historic Greektown!
The Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade date will be on, Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
If you need a healthy dose of all things Greek, please make sure you markdown this date on your calendars! “Having this parade is a way to have fun and to preserve and further the very proud Hellenic heritage.” George Reganis, a founding member and the Chairman of the Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade.
Once again, the Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade Weekend will have the philanthropic side of supporting and raising funds for the Hellenic Museum of Michigan (
Finally, Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade Committee needs the support and help from the Greek community to make the 2016 Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade very special!